(248) 237-4913

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There are a whole range of different situations in which you might need an animal removal company, from having raccoons in the attic or having a family of squirrels living in the chimney, and even having snakes in the garden. Having been serving the people and businesses of the area for over a decade, we have seen almost every animal situation that can arise and can help you to get rid of pest animals around your home or commercial premises. We maintain a team of telephone agents that are always ready to take your call and to talk about the signs you've identified that would suggest an animal problem. They can arrange a swift callout from one of our animal technicians who will then discuss your situation further, and examine the property to fully establish the extent of any problem and to identify the species present. The next step is that they will then talk through their proposal for removing the animals from the premises, and provide the estimate for the work. We also take the safety of you and those around you very seriously, so we have ensured all our staff have the right protective equipment, and we can also provide a full sanitization service to neutralize any material, cells or particles that the animals have left behind that could be harmful to people or pets.